Our Clients
In order to do the best work for the individuals and families that we serve, our professionals specialize in niche clientele. By focusing on our niche, we are able to provide specialized services in a boutique environment. Our office specializes in the following types of clients. We are honored to serve those walking through vulnerable life transitions such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or retirement.
Individuals Who Experience the Death of a Loved One
Individuals who experience the sudden death of a loved one often face many financial hurdles while also trying to walk through grief and the logistics of death. Frequently, these individuals are vulnerable to financial predators and poor advice, even from well-intended parties. We help our clients navigate the financial hurdles and red tape during these times of crisis and change. We do this by counseling the individual in personal financial matters, creating a financial life plan, and implementing an income plan.
Individuals Going Through a Divorce
We understand that financial security is particularly important during times of life when other things feel uncertain. The professionals at Capital South Wealth Management can assist through all stages of a divorce including shaping the divorce settlement and helping to develop a plan for once the settlement is finalized. We work with clients and attorneys to complete financial disclosures, review tax returns, and other financial documents. Additionally, we review the financial information provided by the ex-spouse. Our financial professionals can help those getting divorced to make sound financial decisions by providing clarity so clients can feel confident and supported moving forward with their own financial future.
Individuals Approaching Retirement
The professionals at Capital South Wealth Management value our clients as individuals. While retirement is a tremendous milestone, it often also carries some worry, as retirement presents the most drastic financial adjustment people experience in adulthood. Our financial professionals will help to determine pension strategies, develop a plan to monetize retirement savings, and assist with Social Security and Medicare planning.